The coffee you use, the grind of the coffee & the water can all alter the taste in your cup. How to make a great cup of coffee at home? Let's take a look at some different brewing methods.
Invented by engineer Alan Adler, the AeroPress is portable, lightweight, and great for using at home or while you are camping or traveling.

What you need:
AeroPress Filter
1 AeroPress scoop of ground coffee (~2.5 Tbsp)
Hot water just off the boil
AeroPress paddle or spoon
AeroPress Filter
1 AeroPress scoop of ground coffee (~2.5 Tbsp)
Hot water just off the boil
AeroPress paddle or spoon

Step 1
Put filter in filter cap. Stand AeroPress on a sturdy mug and put one rounded scoop of fine drip grind coffee into the chamber. Shake to level the coffee.

Step 2
Pour hot water into the brewer, equally saturating all the grounds. Pour to No 4.
Once you hit No. 4, gently stir the slurry (coffee & water mixture) with the paddle or a spoon. Place the plunger on the brew chamber and pull up slightly to create a pressure seal. Don't plunge yet!
Invented in 1941, the Chemex is easy to use and brews a consistently smooth cup.
What you need:
8-cup Chemex
Chemex filter
Ground coffee
Hot water just off the boil
What you need:
8-cup Chemex
Chemex filter
Ground coffee
Hot water just off the boil

Step 1
Place the Chemex filter in the brewer with the single fold away from the spout. Rinse the filter with hot water. This gets ride of any paper flavor and preheats your brewer. Dump the rinse water.
Add 6 Tablespoons of ground coffee to the preheated filter and gently shake to flatten. You can adjust the quantity of grounds based on your preferred strength. The recommended grind for Chemex is a coarseness resembling sea salt.
Place the Chemex filter in the brewer with the single fold away from the spout. Rinse the filter with hot water. This gets ride of any paper flavor and preheats your brewer. Dump the rinse water.
Add 6 Tablespoons of ground coffee to the preheated filter and gently shake to flatten. You can adjust the quantity of grounds based on your preferred strength. The recommended grind for Chemex is a coarseness resembling sea salt.

Step 2
Bring water to a boil. Evenly pour a small amount of water over grounds until they are saturated. Wait approximately 30 seconds for the coffee to bloom, which releases the most desirable coffee elements from the grounds.
After the grounds bloom, continue pouring water evenly over the grounds until you reach the 'belly button' on the Chemex. This mark indicates 20 oz of coffee.
Bring water to a boil. Evenly pour a small amount of water over grounds until they are saturated. Wait approximately 30 seconds for the coffee to bloom, which releases the most desirable coffee elements from the grounds.
After the grounds bloom, continue pouring water evenly over the grounds until you reach the 'belly button' on the Chemex. This mark indicates 20 oz of coffee.

Step 3
Remove the coffee filter with grounds and toss.
Enjoy! Simple & easy, brewing with a Chemex consistently yields a delicious cup.
Remove the coffee filter with grounds and toss.
Enjoy! Simple & easy, brewing with a Chemex consistently yields a delicious cup.
French Press
Easy to use, the french press is a favorite of many. It's perfect for making multiple cups of heavy-bodied coffee.
What you need:
French Press brewer
Ground coffee
Hot water just off the boil
Wooden spoon
French Press brewer
Ground coffee
Hot water just off the boil
Wooden spoon

Step 1
Warm up your french press with hot water. This will help you to maintain temperature while brewing. Discard the hot water.
Add the ground coffee. For a 4-cup french press, we're using 5 Tbsp of ground coffee (coarse as breadcrumbs). Adjust the quantity of coffee if you like your coffee stronger or weaker.
Warm up your french press with hot water. This will help you to maintain temperature while brewing. Discard the hot water.
Add the ground coffee. For a 4-cup french press, we're using 5 Tbsp of ground coffee (coarse as breadcrumbs). Adjust the quantity of coffee if you like your coffee stronger or weaker.

Step 2
Pour hot water, just off the boil, over your grounds. Fill your carafe with hot water, making sure all the grounds are saturated. Stir everything with your wooden spoon. Put the lid on the french press and wait 4 minutes.
Pour hot water, just off the boil, over your grounds. Fill your carafe with hot water, making sure all the grounds are saturated. Stir everything with your wooden spoon. Put the lid on the french press and wait 4 minutes.

Step 3
After 4 minutes, press your plunger down slowly. Serve & enjoy!
After 4 minutes, press your plunger down slowly. Serve & enjoy!